Wheel throwing workshop

4-week workshop

Have you been wanting to explore ceramics and want to challenge yourself while creating a mug for your morning coffee, a small vase to fill with flowers from the forest, a special planter or something else? Sign up for a workshop in our new studio in Serenbe. Throughout the four weeks, you will learn basic skills on the wheel, trimming, and glazing. No prior experience required – our workshops are tailored for beginners but welcome anyone. Students will be able to glaze 3-4 pieces in our studio glazes.

Class meets for 2.5 hours each week

Week 1: Get familiar with basic skills like centering, opening up and pulling walls

Week 2: Intro to trimming and throwing more pieces

Week 3: Trimming your pieces + surface design

Week 4: Glazing all your pieces / this class may be a little shorter than others

Pick up your pieces within 3-4 weeks of the last class. We will send you an email once they are ready.

We need at least three participants for the workshop to happen & you must be 18+ to participate.

All classes include clay, underglaze/paint, glaze and firing.

We, unfortunately, can't accommodate or reimburse for missed classes.

Weekend workshop

We are excited to offer a new type of wheel throwing workshop! Spend your weekend with us and learn the basics of throwing on the wheel. We will focus on centering and pulling walls to create some precious pieces for you to keep or give away. You will also learn how to shape your pieces through trimming and if time permits, we will learn to attach handles. We will meet for three hours Saturday and Sunday. There will be a small break to get coffee or a snack!

Each person will keep about 4 pieces that we will glaze in one of custom glazes.

We need at least three participants for the workshop to happen & you must be 18+ to participate.

All classes include clay, underglaze/paint, glaze and firing.

We, unfortunately, can't accommodate or reimburse for missed classes.

Book your spot below